Aggie Black

Director, Clinical & Health Services Research and Knowledge Translation, Professional Practice Office, Providence Health Care

Headshot for Aggie Black

Director, Clinical & Health Services Research and Knowledge Translation, Professional Practice Office, Providence Health Care • Research Associate, Centre for Advancing Health Outcomes • Adjunct Professor, UBC School of Nursing

Agnes (Aggie) serves as Director, Research and Knowledge Translation at Providence Health Care. She supports clinicians in research and knowledge translation projects, and incorporates planetary health into her initiatives. Aggie is an active member of the Providence Health Care Environmental Stewardship Team. She works to further innovations of all types to support improvements to patient care and the health care system, and has a special interest in promoting planetary health to address the climate crisis. 

Aggie holds a BSN from the University of Washington (Seattle, WA) and a Masters of Public Health from Simon Fraser University.
