The Research Challenge Advisory Committee is delighted to announce funding for four amazing teams in the 2024 Practice-based Research Challenge!

Learn more about the project teams selected and the team leaders.

Awards Research | Aggie Black

Graphic for research challenge

All project titles and team leaders are listed below, and we want to especially acknowledge the teams led by Deb Fairhurst and Cindy Nordquist, whose projects won the Person and Family Centred Care awards for this year. Deb's team will explore “Patient and Health Care Providers' Experience with the Pre-Transplant Coordinator Role at PHC" and Deb notes,

The Pre-Transplant Coordinator is a new position that aims to facilitate access to transplant for kidney patients throughout the renal program at PHC and it is important that we evaluate this role to ensure that we are delivering what we set out to do in enhancing the patient experience. We hope the results of our research project will highlight the value of this role and the learnings from it will improve its effectiveness in supporting patients to feel empowered, knowledgeable, and confident.

Cindy's project is titled "RESUME-CHC" and will test the feasibility of an alternative model of care for heart failure patients with substance use disorder and/or mental health needs. Cindy says,

By removing barriers and bringing care closer to patients' home community, the hope is to increase patient attendance at appointments which may improve heart failure outcomes, decrease ER visits and hospitalizations and increase patient satisfaction.
Poster with the team names

Thanks to the supporters and funders of the Research Challenge: St Paul's Foundation, Transplant Research Foundation, BCNU, BCIT Nursing Program, UBC School of Nursing, Providence Research, and the Centre for Advancing Health Outcomes.