Genome BC announces $1M in funding to support the advancement of medical research and patient care for British Columbians

Integrating clinical data with genomic research data will enable new discoveries that address unmet clinical needs, provide benefits to the healthcare system and most importantly, improve patient outcomes.

Innovation Research | PHC Ventures

Dna strand

Genome British Columbia (Genome BC) has announced $1M in funding to support four unique projects aimed at enabling discoveries to address unmet clinical healthcare needs through its Data Access, Integration and Analysis program.

This funding will benefit the BC health system by allowing researchers to analyze genomic data in conjunction with clinical health and imaging data. Combining these data sources has the potential to unlock new discoveries and improve patient care.

The project is run in partnership with PHC Ventures, a subsidiary that works as an enterprise and commercialization engine for Providence Health Care (PHC). A key element for projects funded under this program is access to the Integrated Health Informatics Datalab (IHID) — a new data platform developed by Providence Health Care and PHC Ventures, designed to move research forward faster and accelerate the development of innovative health solutions. The platform collects, de-identifies, links, analyzes and shares health data from many sources within a secure, cloud-based custom data lab environment. All usage adheres to the highest international standards of security, privacy and ethics. A portion of Genome BC’s funding will cover IHID’s costs for the use of the platform and training opportunities.